Menschen schlafen laut einer Erhebung in verschiedenen Ländern unterschiedlich lange. Es lässt sich keinen geographischen Zusammenhang erkennen. "Schlusslicht" ist Japan, Schlaf-Gewinner ist Argentinien. Im Europäischen Vergleich liegt Spanien klar vorne.
Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a condition where patients breathing effort stoped during sleep. CSA differs from OSA, which occurs when the airway collapses and obstructs the upper airway. With CSA, which is less common than OSA, there is no effort to breathe even though the airway is open.
Different problems occur on the way to the optimal therapy. The Sleep Apnea patient had to overcome 4 main barriers. Today there are much more solution for these issues. There are a huge range of different mask, Home Sleep Test is much more appreciate and different types of pressure support devices increase the positive effect.